Hire in Próspera with Ease

Palma is a Labor Compliance and Payroll tool that makes hiring in Próspera easy.
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Everything You Need to Hire Compliantly in Próspera

Run Payroll

Our payroll calculation engine is tailored for the Próspera jurisdiction. We ensure your team member's payments are calculated accurately every time.
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"Syncing sales with inventory was so smooth with Unicorns. No more gaps between sales and merchandise while dealing with prospective leads."
-Rudra Ghosh, CEO, Vermillion

Labor Compliance Baked Right In

Palma walks you through adding new team members compliantly and enables you to make informed decisions for properly classifying employees and contractors.
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"We've hit our projected numbers and more with the ability to take action with real-time data."
-Pritom Rani, VP Sales, Cobalt

Additional Features

Coming Soon

Time Tracking

Track time to ensure compliance with overtime requirements


Enable Team members to view their paystubs and accurately calculate taxes


Download templated, GSP-Approved employee and contractor agreements
Coming Soon

Find Talent

Leverage our talent network of over 1,000 pre-filtered members to help grow your business
Coming Soon

Labor Benefit Fund Management

Allow Palma to manage deposits and disbursements of your employees Labor Benefit Fund
Coming Soon

Benefits Administration

Offer Medical, Dental, and Vision insurance to your team members

Sign up for your Free 14-Day Trial now!

We'll let our tool do the talking. Try it out right now for free.
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